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Well, I'm glad you made it to my portfolio and I hope you enjoy my work.

I try to better myself as a person and creator everyday. 


I'm trying to live my best life and be the best me, as I go on this quest we call life, trying to reach this so-called goal of mine: "the perfect me". 


I realise every step I take in that direction opens up many more questions and improvements to be made. It seems as if the older you get and the more you learn, the more complicated life gets.       

More so I realise I will never reach that goal of mine. I have made peace with that fact and can see that that's how life goes. 


I reflect this in my work aswel. I have a hard time saying: “This is finished”, because I can always see more work to be done. 


But where do you draw the line? 


Will anything ever be perfect? It seems not, but "c'est la vie" I guess.  There is about 5 pictures on this site I see as a finished product myself. Let me know if you think you found them!



xx Francis 

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